Collage of clock app icons, Xcode screenshot, and screenshot of early build



Collage of clock app icons, Xcode screenshot, and screenshot of early build



Collage of clock app icons, Xcode screenshot, and screenshot of early build



Collage of clock app icons, Xcode screenshot, and screenshot of early build






Interaction design, prototyping

Scrub through daily calendar events, hour by hour. App design inspired by analog clocks and developed with SwiftUI + EventKit.

Published as a TestFlight beta in July 2024.

Scrub through daily calendar events, hour by hour. App design inspired by analog clocks and developed with SwiftUI + EventKit.

Published as a TestFlight beta in July 2024.

Hand holding phone of a 3D blue book
A photo of a phone screen with a score "1647" and a section of 3D grass beneath it
A photo of a phone with an AR view of colorful bubbles on a table
A photo of a phone with 7 app icons bouncing around and colliding
Hand holding phone of a 3D blue book
A photo of a phone screen with a score "1647" and a section of 3D grass beneath it
A photo of a phone with an AR view of colorful bubbles on a table
A photo of a phone with 7 app icons bouncing around and colliding
Hand holding phone of a 3D blue book
A photo of a phone screen with a score "1647" and a section of 3D grass beneath it
A photo of a phone with an AR view of colorful bubbles on a table
A photo of a phone with 7 app icons bouncing around and colliding
A photo of a phone with a circle image and a green background of leaves